Robert Townsend Wants To Know... Should a B.A.P.S Reboot Happen?

Over the New Year holiday, I spend time with family and friends and in the mist of the festivities, I notice a B.A.P.S rerun on the TV. I instantly reminisced of the good laughs Halley Berry and Natalie Desselles gave me as Nisi and Mickey. Those hair styles... whoa. Some things in life come full circle!

Eight days into 2019, Robert Townsend took to Instagram with a picture of Himself and Halley Berry stating, "I directed Baps starring @HalleBerry and written by @Troybyer With all the reboots going on,here’s the question of the day. Would you go see a sequel to Baps?" (See Below)

A day before Robert's question to social media, Will Smith hinted at the possibility of a Bad Boy 3 squeal! The real question is, who doesn't like a good reboot? I was super excited when the Best Man finally made a sequel!  


 Why shouldn't B.A.P.S make a comeback and should do it for the culture!? 

Should a B.A.P.S squeal happen?

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