PETA Reaches Out To Aretha Franklin's Estate: We Want Your Furs!

If you are unfamiliar the power of PETA, they are no joke! PETA or "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals" are going after Aretha's Furs. 

Sources say, since that passing of the Aretha Franklin, the family has started to decide where to donate her clothes. Her estate has be dealing with a lot since her passing. 

According to, "PETA sent a letter to the Queen of Soul's niece, Sabrina on Friday, stating the following: 

"Dear Sabrina, 

We’re so sorry for the loss of your aunt. The world has lost an amazing talent, and we’re grateful that her music will live on. Aretha will always be remembered for all that she did to help empower African-American people, especially women, in her lifetime. Might we now call on her estate to help end the cruel era of wearing animal fur by donating her fur coats to PETA, where they’ll go on to offer warmth and comfort to those who need it the most? In the past, we’ve given donated fur coats—some coming from other wonderful women including Anjelica Huston, Mariah Carey, and Mary Tyler Moore—to homeless shelters in the U.S. (including in Detroit) and to displaced refugees in Afghanistan, Mongolia, and Syria."

What are your thoughts should they or should they not donate Aretha Furs to PETA? 

Tweet me @wdasfm to continue the conversation!

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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